Large tract of state land managed as a WMA with both hunting and recreation. To the S is plot SLCR.15 in an open wet meadow, across the stream towards rd 826 (Target Road) is a dry mixed oak/heath forest. There is a white blazed trail ca. 30 m E of the plot. The mixed pine oak community continues to the N and in a thin patch around the meadow. Where it may have somewhat hydric soils.;Somewhat dry forest, T2 dominated by slightly emergent Pinus rigida and shorter Quercus alba, Q. coccinea with Nyssa sylvatica heavily represented in the T3. Mixed heath shrubs (Gaylassacia baccata, Vaccinium pallidum, and Kalmia latifolia) are represented in the shrub layers. Fire scarred stumps observed in plot. All the oaks appear even aged, the pine likely came in after a fire and is succeeding towards oak. Little in the may of anthropologic disturbance.
Small patch of pitch pine mixed oak forest growing on a gently sloping W facing bottomslope. Plot was placed to capture pine signature observed on SAMB2003 aerial photo. This is a type we have few plots of in the eastern panhandle.